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City of Angels my- oh, sorry. Yes. This is Angel City. Called such by many travelers that almost fall to their death but gets caught by a passing Ranger that really has better things to be doing. This city is built into the side of the tallest mountain that is pretty close to their 'shore'. Protected from land-slides and in fact 'mountain men' they are a happy bunch of hermits. That get together every year to swap stories about caves. Its good fun for a hermit!
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Gentle in the sense if you fall, you will die a very quick death. These mountains are only called gentle because the Rangers that live here are so used to the things anything else looks like a puppy. Think of this whole island's mountain range as a peaceful giant dog that just so happens to bite at random times. The landslides are horrendous.
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Ah, Mt. Vulcan, the main volcanic belt around the island who's strongest volcano just so happens to be in the center of the island. All active. Most of them spitting out lava. Yes, just another scorching hot day along the completely mountain island without a shore. The lava always tries to burn the seven little isles to the south, but sadly, Taurus is too strong and big. Hey, do you smell something burning?
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Orion Island

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newBookmarkLockedFalling 01. Opening Event!
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Mar 10, 2015 18:11:19 GMT -5
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